
In this section, we outline the tokenomics of the Base Mafia project, including the distribution model, allocation percentages, vesting schedule for different token allocations, and economic incentives for token holders and contributors.

Distribution Model and Allocation Percentages:

The Base Mafia token distribution model allocates tokens across various categories to ensure a fair and sustainable ecosystem. The allocation percentages are as follows:

  1. Presale: 10%

  2. Community: 20%

  3. Marketing: 10%

  4. Contributors: 10%

  5. Liquidity: 25%

  6. Exchange: 25%

These allocation percentages are designed to support ecosystem development, community engagement, liquidity provision, and exchange listings, while ensuring a balanced distribution of tokens among stakeholders.

Vesting Schedule for Different Token Allocations:

To promote long-term commitment and prevent token dumping, a vesting schedule is applied to certain token allocations. The vesting schedule is as follows:

  1. Presale (10%):

    • 10% released at TGE (Token Generation Event - the start of the token sale) 1 month cliff 5 months linear after

  2. Community (20%):

    • 0% released at TGE.

    • 100% vested over 24 months, with a cliff of 3 months.

  3. Marketing (10%):

    • 0% released at TGE

    • 100% vested over 24 months, with a cliff of 1 months.

  4. Contributors (10%):

    • 10% released at TGE for contributors.

    • Vesting period of 8 months, with a cliff of 2 months.

  5. Liquidity (25%):

    • 10% released at TGE for initial liquidity.

    • 90% vested over 12 months, with a cliff of 1 month.

  6. Exchange (25%):

    • 10% released at TGE for exchange listing and partnerships.

    • 90% vested over 12 months, with a cliff of 3 months.

This vesting schedule ensures that tokens are released gradually over time, incentivizing ongoing participation and commitment from contributors and liquidity providers.

Economic Incentives for Token Holders and Contributors:

Token holders and contributors are incentivized to actively participate in the Base Mafia ecosystem through various economic incentives, including:

  • Governance Rights: Base Mafia token holders have voting rights to participate in governance decisions, such as protocol upgrades, fee adjustments, and ecosystem improvements.

  • Staking Rewards: Token holders may have the opportunity to earn staking rewards by staking their tokens in designated pools, contributing to network security and stability.

  • Liquidity Mining: Liquidity providers are rewarded with tokens for providing liquidity to decentralized exchanges, ensuring ample liquidity for trading pairs and incentivizing participation in liquidity pools.

  • Community Rewards: Contributors to the Base Mafia ecosystem, such as developers, marketers, and community managers, may receive rewards in tokens for their contributions and efforts towards ecosystem development and growth.

These economic incentives encourage active participation, engagement, and contribution within the Base Mafia ecosystem, fostering a vibrant and sustainable community-driven platform.

In summary, the tokenomics of the Base Mafia project are designed to support ecosystem growth, incentivize participation, and ensure a fair and balanced distribution of tokens among stakeholders. Through thoughtful allocation percentages, vesting schedules, and economic incentives, the Base Mafia project aims to create a thriving and inclusive ecosystem for meme coin enthusiasts worldwide.

Last updated